Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Summer for Heroes

As you can see from the absence of posts over the spring and summer, it has been a busy last couple of months.  Busy, but rewarding in so many ways.  I had an incredible experience in Cambodia during April, spent an amazing week in Ft. Scott, Kansas during June, and enjoyed a wonderful summer.

Just recently, I had the opportunity to write a blog entry for the Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes.  I noticed that my experience in Cambodia and my time in Ft. Scott had common ground.  Ultimately, I've arrived at the notion that encouraging students to seek out heroes from the past, but also see themselves as the hero of their own story can lay the groundwork for citizens that truly strive to make a difference.  Here is the link to what I wrote for the Lowell Milken Center: http://lowellmilkencenter.org/kevin-witte-blog/

Screenshot of from blog post at http://lowellmilkencenter.org/kevin-witte-blog/

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What is the YSEALI Generation EARTH Workshop?

I wanted to share an excellent description of the structure and purpose of my travels to Cambodia this next week.  Here's a link to the news release from Cultural Vistas, who is administering the workshop in conjunction with Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia, Siem Reap Campus.  This workshop is part of a larger series of YSEALI Generation regional exchange workshops that seeks to engage the youth of ASEAN Member countries.

Here's an info graphic highlighting the countries represented by the youth participants:

These youth participants will be guided by 12 leader mentors from the United States and 12 leader mentors from the ASEAN nations as they seek to develop action plans for environmental advocacy.  

I'm thrilled to be working as a leader mentor and look forward to sharing updates and experiences!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Leader Mentor for YSEALI Generation EARTH Workshop in Cambodia

Just found out that I have been selected as a leader mentor for the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Generation EARTH Workshop to be held in Siem Reap, Cambodia in April.  This program is funded by a grant from the Embassy of the United States in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and administered by Cultural Vistas and Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia, Siem Reap Campus.  This workshop will connect 72 young leaders from the 10 ASEAN member nations to work with leader mentors from the United States and ASEAN countries focusing on the development of action plans to address environmental challenges facing Southeast Asia and the world.  As a leader mentor, I will have the opportunity to assist in providing virtual activities for program participants prior to the workshop, deliver a workshop session on youth engagement and partnerships in environmental advocacy, as well as serve as a mentor for a small team of young leaders representing the ASEAN member countries.
Look for more entries on this blog as the project develops.  Thrilled to be traveling again to Southeast Asia, working with young leaders on environmental advocacy, and planning on bringing my experiences back to my students in Kearney, Nebraska!